About Physical Therapy
It is a “Science of Healing and Art of Caring". Physiotherapy also means the treatment of any pain, disease, or injury by physical means. Physical Therapy, also known as physiotherapy is a health care profession concerned with changing the quality of life by improving the mobility and physical independence of people of the society. Physical Therapy is an essential section of modern health care system and includes the basic parameters of healing sciences which covers the preventive, diagnostic, promotive, curative and rehabilitative parts. Physical Therapy treatment deals with methods by movement, manipulation, physical agents, and manual therapy and therapeutics modalities. It is aimed on treating a range of conditions including Musculoskeletal, Cardio-Respiratory, Pediatrics, Neurological, Women Health, Geriatrics, Sports Injuries and Many more. Physiotherapists interact with patients of different in age, activity level, and are responsible to treat both acute and chronic health conditions of a wide range. In-short, it is the evaluation and rehabilitation of people disabled by pain, injuries or diseases and their treatment by physical therapeutic measures. Rehabilitation mean to return someone to a good, healthy, or normal life or condition therefore Physiotherapy is part of rehabilitating accident victims. Rehabilitation Medicine is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on human Function and disability.
About DPT Programme
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) is a life making profession; the objective of the programme is to produce a group of highly competent physiotherapists to serve society. To fulfill this commitment we have provided well facilitated lecture theatres, tutorial rooms, and highly equipped labs; along with well qualified faculty. Providing such a state of the art teaching environment is aiming to polishing our students to make them skilled professionals in order to serve our nation more efficiently. Our Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) department is aimed to provide capable and highly expert physical therapists in order to offer quality health care services to our society. It offers an exclusive learning environment in our state of art education institution. Through our faculty members’ professional and clinical teaching skills, our students are deviously learning to meet challenges being faced by health care today. People who want to take Physical Therapy as their career have to go through a five-year Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) programme.
Eligibility Criteria
1. Higher Secondary School Certificate Pre-Medical with science subjects Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, or '0' level have secured at least 60% marks (B-Grade) in aggregate from any Board of Higher Secondary Education in Pakistan or any Institution from Foreign Countries duly recognized by Inter-Board Committee of Chairman (IBCC) are eligible to apply for Admission.
2. Candidate should be permanent Resident of any District of Sindh.
3. Teaching of Course shall be in English.